A lot of students and people think of cars when they hear the word “mechanical engineering”. Mechanical engineering is a lot more than cars. Myanmarstudyabroad.org did a good job explaining what mechanical engineering is on their website along with the descriptions of many other engineering majors. Please check it out here. I’ve also shared below an informative Youtube video from MajorPrep that may be motivational to anyone who is thinking to pursue mechanical engineering degree.
Please find the original video on DiscoverE Youtube Channel.
The United States Department of State’s Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs is currently sponsoring scholarship programs that include programs such as Fulbright, Humphrey, UGrad, SEALYP, among many others. If you are a Myanmar student planning to study in the USA, please click here to find out more.
- Determined manufacturing processes for each geometry feature of FSAE suspension rocker.
- Calculated different process variables based on available tooling and machining resources.
- Optimized total cost (tooling, labor, machines, and materials) and time required for mass production.
- Researched variables that may have influence on fuel economy of a sample of automobiles.
- Utilized Stepwise Linear Regression to find the best regression model with influencing variables.
- Streamed twitter data to build relationships between auto brands.
- Constructed a brand network and calculated different network metrics to rank 55 auto brands.
- Determined a ranking metric for automotive applications and simulated market dynamics.